Tuesday, December 1, 2009


OrphanI was originally turned off by this movie previews since it showed orphans in a bad light. But I saw it anyway and really enjoyed it. The story is opens with the Coleman’s family where the mother Kate is still haunted by the lost of her third child in a mischarge. We see this in a disperingly haunted scean in the beging when she has to give birth to her still born baby. She is also recovering from alcolism after her daughter almost drowned in the lake. Needles to say this has cased tension between her and husband. But her husbands John not perfect either he had an after eight years ago. They decide to adopt an older child Ester to help get over the loss. Like most horror movies with evil children at first Ester seem way too perfect at first with her good manner and her very well done patings (which tell a story that will come back later) but as soon as she’s brought home she shows her true collers. While the Coleman’s adorable deaf and mute daughter Max embraces Esther their son Daniel is not interested in a new sister. It’s a little confusing that there daughters has a boys names and their son has a girls name, seems the names should be reversed. After the mother sees Esther is up to no good she try’s to tell her husband but of course he refuses to believe her.(ever notices how mean refuse to believe there whifes in horre movies till its to late?) For most of the film Esther is coming up with smart but sick ways to make the mother look bad so John will just think that Kate is relapsing into her drinking habit. Some parts are a little predictable such as when the mother shows her the rosebush where their still born baby's ashes are scattered the mother tells her that “as long as the roses are growing she will feel a part of her child is still with her.” So of course Esther cuts them down to torment her. Or when John and Kate start having sex in the kitchen, ofcoures Ester walk in ion them. But it’s the kitchen, which isn’t going to go in there.
The film got mixed reves because of how it shows orphans in a bad light. Because of this the filmmakers changed the original sound bite in the trailers from "It must be difficult to love an adopted child as much as your own," to "I don’t think Mommy likes me very much." I also noticed parts of this movie are look similar to”
The ending really is a big surprise. It’s not like those ending them say it’s a shocker but you can see it coming a mile away. This one really is. You might think you know where the ending going if you watch a lot of Law and Order SVU, but trust me you will not have a clue. At first you might think Esther might have been sexily abused because she always locks the door in the bathroom (but who doesn’t?).
Overall I was presently surprised with this movie. I was scared and on the ege of my seat most of the movie. Some people might find it periodical but others will really enjoy seeing what six twisted things Ester is going to do next. There’s also a running gage with the f bome word. Count how many times they say it in the movey; I think there’s about five times.

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