Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Chick flick Alter! My Sister’s KeeperGet ready for a tearjerker girls. I say girls because I know guys would only see this if their girlfriends drag them to it against their will which I’m sure many did. The story centers around two sisters. Theres Kate the One’s who’s dying of cancer and Anna the one born to give her sister spare parts. The healthy sister Anne is now suing her parents for the right to her own body right when she’s supposed to give her sister a kidney. Her sick sister Kate doesn’t seem that upset when she hears this. In fact she seems to be encouraging her. And we find out why in the end. The mother of course is pissed and decides to represent her in court. Her mother seems determined to keep her daughter alive and doesn’t realize her neglecting her other two children. Like her son who is struggling in school and is depressed. The story gets sadder and sadder as it goes on but there’s is still some great acting. The best is from Anna Attorney Alexander played by  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alec_Baldwin" \o "Alec Baldwin" Alec Baldwin , and his dog Jug. Heads up to those that have read the book. The ending is completely different. Some people like it better and some were annoyed, it was so different. To see what you like, see it for yourself. Angles and Demons. Tome Hanks Hair looks a lot better in this film. His hair isn’t sticking up like one bad cow lick, grated it’s greased down but at lest it’s not sticking up. There also no crazy pale guy who wipes himself in this film. In this story four chalice carnies that are the three main choices to be the next pulp have been kidnapped. Tome Hanks charter Robert Langdon Is pulled in to help find them. They have apparently been kidnapped by an unheard of religion that was more about sciences the religion. So baskly it’s the plot of the last film reversed. Instead of relougs figers killing of scinst its scitst killing of relouges fingers. Or something likes that. It’s to hard to explain if you haven’t read the book, so just see it and you’ll understand. I hop; you might have to see it twice. The proposalFunnier then I thought. The best scean involves a puppy, cell phone and an eagle. You’ll know it when you see it. Sandra Buick plays Margaret Tate a ball busting boss that everyone’s afraid off. Ryan Rodney Reynolds plays her assent Andrew Paxton who’s trying to get a manuscript published. When Margaret is told shell is deported back to Canada she tells them she’s marring Ryan . Ryan reliantly agrees but only if she promotes him. And to make it seem more real she has to come up with him back home to his spunky grandmas 90 birthdays played by Beet white, who’s showing her age but still as spunksa as ever. Beatty white stills the show and has a lot of the best lines. One of the other funny scenes involves her in a Charley Idea dress as she clams she part Charley as we see her doing a private powwow. The fillip is somewhat printable in the sciences that we all know Margaret and Ryan will dollop felling for each other achily. But its still laugh out loud funny. One of the funs sciences in loves a puppy, an eagle and a cell phone, it looks flack when the puppy gets picketed up but you’ll still be laughing.

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